I Gripe But Mostly I Wonder

  • Breakthrough in Feeding Dogs and Cats

    Breakthrough in Feeding Dogs and Cats

    People have struggled with the weight of their dogs, and CATS especially for a long time. Putting a cat on a “diet” usually fails because the cats pester the owners while they try to sleep. Finally the owner gives up and decides “FINE STAY FAT” With dogs, your family can double feed, over pour, mis-measure…

  • The Heart Mix

    The Heart Mix

    The Heart Mix Grapeseed Extract (phenols) 400mg Hawthorne Berry 1300mg Nattokinase 200mg Gaba 850mg Once a day

  • Recovering Narcissists Can’t:

    Recovering Narcissists Can’t:

    *Because All Narcissists Always: * – Defend themselves – Say they’re being a victim – Dismiss the other person’s concern – Decline they did anything wrong – Minimize the actual impact – Criticize and fight to distract from the issue – Crawl back with obsequious promises and sugar There’s literally nothing *Recovering *Narcissists can say…

  • The Islamic brotherhood struggle with Israel, Egypt, Syria

    The Islamic brotherhood struggle with Israel, Egypt, Syria

    I can’t remember when, but I happened onto some translations of texts about the Islamic brotherhood, and the struggles they have had in the Middle East. I thought these documents were very interesting, because they were written by a member of the Islamic brotherhood, perhaps a historian, and it seems the audience is the Islamic…

  • How Much Should I Feed My Dog?

    How Much Should I Feed My Dog?

    Badlands Ranch Beef & Salmon diet. That diet is interesting because it’s not the usual low-carb spread, it’s 30% protein and over 20% carbs. It’s fine as long as feeding that achieves a Body Condition Score of (BCS) BCS = 4-minus What’s a BCS 4 Minus? See: drjohnson.com/bcs/ Since that particular diet is 440c/cup and…

  • How to eat to live

    How to eat to live

    A few things 1) Recognize that sugar and sugary items are NOT FOOD. THEY AREN’T FOOD AT ALL. Sugar energizes you with multiple costs. Food nourishes you with no cost for a longer time. 2) Focus on proteins. Not even lean proteins. Just proteins. 3)Discern between hunger and lack of hydration. 4) Discern between boredom…

  • Inbreeding Doodles for a Pure Line: BAD IDEA

    Inbreeding Doodles for a Pure Line: BAD IDEA

    WhatDidYouDoodle? (The End of A Valuable Mutt?) *If you, or someone you love, ever thought about buying a “Doodle” you should read and understand THIS!* *Background*: Once upon a time, a person crossed a poodle with a Labrador. They got a “Labradoodle”. And it was amazing because it was a sweet, healthy HYBRID of the…

  • Today’s Gripe Is…..

    Today’s Gripe Is…..

    The lead singer of Grouplove opens for P!ink in Louisville And wears cutesie pigtails and a pink sweater If he was sending an LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ affirming message he would NOT have worn a haircut that was: – For little girls – Attractive to creepy old guys And he would say “I’m flexing as a big musician…

  • The Perfect Gift of a Hand Crafted Writing Pen

    The Perfect Gift of a Hand Crafted Writing Pen

    The Perfect Gift Need to buy a gift for someone who has a lot of nice things and you can’t figure out what to get them, but you want it to be “nice” but not break the bank? *Jack’s Hand Made Flawless Gift Pens* – Under $100 – Most are $50 or less – Dozens…

  • Classic Stunning Elegant Actually Handmade Writing Pens

    Classic Stunning Elegant Actually Handmade Writing Pens

    The Perfect Gift Need to buy a gift for someone who has a lot of nice things and you can't figure out what to get them, but you want it to be “nice” but not break the bank? Jack's Hand Made Flawless Gift Pens Under $100 – Most are $50 or less – Dozens of…